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California Health Plan
& Headspace

How one large California health plan’s focus on impactful, quality care led them to partner with Headspace


A large health plan based in California is focused on improving member access to mental health and well-being support. Beyond simply offering care services, the health plan wanted to ensure that the tools and support available to members resulted in improved outcomes. To reach these goals, the health plan partnered with Headspace and Solera Health.

Headspace's variety of offerings, from on-demand, behavioral health coaching, self-guided skill-building resources, and convenient video-based therapy and psychiatry through Headspace Care, combined with meditation and mindfulness from Headspace, ensured that each member in the health plan’s mental health program had access to the right care at the right time.

  • The combined offering of Headspace and Headspace Care created access to a variety of support for health plan members
  • A value-based arrangement enabled the health plan to ensure outcomes improvements
  • Headspace led to improved outcomes and engagement among the health plan’s members
  • Health plan members’ opinion of their overall health plan improved after being offered Headspace

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