How Organizations Can Support Employees in Managing Work Stress

Companies should prioritize reducing stress in the workplace because it is key to improving employee mental health. It also leads to better business outcomes. 


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In Headspace’s annual survey of mental health trends in the workplace, nearly half (47%) of employees and two-thirds (66%) of CEOs say the majority of their stress or all of their stress comes from work, rather than their personal lives. Research shows that work stress can have a dominating effect on people’s lives, impeding their ability to fully show up to work, maintain healthy relationships, and properly care for their minds and bodies. 

This guide provides actionable tips on how organizations can support employees in reducing their stress levels at work, including:

  • Encouraging managers to establish team protocols that helps reduce stress and minimize work-life impact

  • Implementing organization-wide practices to foster mindfulness and focus
  • Ensuring employees have opportunities for mentorship, professional development, and relationship-building
  • Investing in comprehensive mental health care benefits that are proven to improve health outcomes and increase engagement